Posted on Sat 09 January 2016

why don't I blog more?

For a while, I thought that the major obstacle to blogging is workflow. If only it was effortless! So I used Ghost for a bit, where you just need to go to the right URL, write your title, write your text, then press publish and see how it looks.

Then I thought that Ghost was too inefficient, running a server process all the time. So I switched to Octopress. This was relatively easy because Octopress and Ghost both use markdown as the base page language, almost plain-text. Then I moved from Octopress to Pelican for some reason, probably involving the perceived pace of development.

For Octopress or Pelican, the workflow is very similar. cd to the right directory, make a new post with a title, write your text, and when you save it, make the publishing command and see how it looks.

That really is not very different from Ghost, except that one happens in a browser and the other happens in a shell. I always have both browsers and shells available… unless I’m using a phone or tablet, where I could have a shell but the keyboard is so awful I’m unlikely to want to use it.

The workflow is not the problem. What is?

  • perhaps it is a lack of ideas?
  • a lack of time?
  • a lack of interest?
  • being so damn busy with everything else in my life that the ideas don’t flow, the time isn’t available, and so the interesting ideas are not forming?

Yeah, that’s it.

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