Posted on Mon 16 May 2016

i have an idea

Send me things to review, and I promise to give them honest negative feedback.

Nothing positive. No gushing. The best you can hope for is “I tried this for a week, and there’s not much wrong with it.”

Honest negativity, though. Is your manual badly written? I will say so. Is the battery life awful? Does it cost too much for what it does? Does it tend to catch on fire when power is applied?

I feel reasonably well qualified to say negative things about computing equipment that can be powered with 120VAC, audio systems, consumer electronics, video projection systems, board games, books – especially SF, mystery, thrillers, biographies and cookbooks – kitchen appliances and tools, useless desktop tools, and furniture.

Talk to me in person first if you want me to say negative things about larger items, like vehicles or buildings.

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