Posted on Wed 26 October 2016
I ran out of business cards a few weeks ago, and forgot to order more. Surely there’s another box around here? Yes, of course there was – left over from three headquarters moves ago.
And tomorrow I’m going to a conference.
Well, business cards are a waste of good trees. Let’s be modern. IRDA? No, nobody has infrared ports on their PDAs. We have smartphones with cameras… and everyone has a barcode reader that understands QR. Great, I can generate a QR code and show people that. Just link to an appropriate web page.
Well, I’ll just write something up quickly, it doesn’t have to be complex.
Eww. That looks terrible. Nowhere near as good as my blog. The blog, which I spent a few hours tweaking for readability and usability. Hey, Pelican has pages as well as posts, right? Yes, it does.
So there’s a contact page with a reasonable photo of me, so people can remember who it was that they talked to, and current info, and a link to this blog. Generate the QR code, get a nice photo widget for my phone to display it… and I’m set.
No more business cards needed.
We’ll see how that works.